Maths Curriculum
How we teach our Maths Curriculum
Rossington St Michael’s use the White Rose scheme of work and resources to ensure we offer a relevant, broad, connected and ambitious maths curriculum. We use a CPA (concrete, pictorial and abstract) methodology to aide pupil understanding and ensure that links are made across different mathematical representations.
As a school, we follow a Mastery approach towards maths in a collaborative network with NCETM and the South Yorkshire Maths Hub. Teaching for mastery describes a classroom practise which enables children of all ages acquiring a long term understanding of the subject. There are five big ideas that underpin the teaching for mastery approach.
Across school, children will take part in daily maths lessons. Through our scheme of work children will engage with small steps (components of learning) which are carefully sequenced to build on prior learning. Staff are able to access our calculation policies which ensures consistent practise across school. We believe that every child is different and at various stages of their learning journey. As such, we encourage children to engage with the most efficient strategies and methods that will allow them to succeed. Children also have daily access to sequenced retrieval practise and complete a weekly arithmetic assessment.
At the end of every term, children will complete an NTS maths assessment. This enables teaching staff to identify any gaps in learning and plan subsequent interventions in these areas. Children in Year 4 complete daily times tables retrieval activities in preparation for their Multiplication table check.
Children will develop a love of mathematics and talk positively about the subject. They will demonstrate a mastery of components by applying different mathematical methods and making connections. Our children will be able to have quick recall of all mathematical facts for their year group. They will be able to apply their skills to a range of problem solving and reasoning skills. The children will show pride in their work, display quality throughout and be confident with our core belief that all will achieve.