PHSE Curriculum
How we teach our PHSE Curriculum
PSHE at Rossington plays a fundamental role in providing children with the vital building blocks to foster pupil wellbeing and develop resilience and character. All aspects of this subject support children on their journey to becoming safe, happy, successful and productive members of society.
In order for children to be safe and healthy in this ever-changing environment, they need to be provided with an education that offers the skills to be able to make good choices and become good citizens.The curriculum also supports staff in providing knowledge that will enable children to make informal decisions about their wellbeing.
Alongside the curriculum guidance, it is also critical to consult the Equality Act in order to ensure that all aspects outside of the specific areas mentioned in the curriculum are covered. As part of St Michael’s curriculum intent, we feel passionate about children becoming the best possible version of themselves. Therefore, helping develop each and every child as a whole child lies at the heart of the teaching of PSHE. The promotion of the understanding of the diversity of ethnicities, religions and backgrounds work side-by-side with all aspects of the statutory curriculum content in developing as a good citizen.
1.Families of people who care for us
Children will be taught about the characteristics of a healthy family and how relationships work. It is important that children can identify if something is not right within their family unit in order to keep them safe. The children will discuss how families can look different within their own school and the wider world. Respect and understanding of this is paramount.
2.Caring friendships
The importance of friendships and what is considered a healthy and happy one. It is important for the children to gain a grasp on the characteristics of friendship including mutual respect, truthfulness, trustworthiness, loyalty, kindness, generosity, trust, sharing interests and experiences and support with problems and difficulties
3.Respectful relationships
Much of this theme will be centred around respect – that towards others and self – respect. The importance of respecting others regardless of differences will is highlighted. At the forefront of respectful relationships lies the conventions of courtesy and manners. Children at St Michael’s are expected to use good manners and be respectful and courteous. Staff are excellent role models for such positive behaviours.
4.Online relationships
The children are be taught how it is important to discriminate between the real and online world. Children need to be clear on how different relationships can look very different online and people can behave very differently. In order to stay safe online, children need to understand the principles and rules on being online.
5. Being safe
As part of the scheme of work, sessions are be delivered on how the children can keep themselves safe. This will include understanding one’s own feelings, how to report when a feeling of being unsafe arises.
Answering difficult questions as they arise.
During any PSHE session or focused sessions on relationships education, it is highly likely that spontaneous questions will arise. The scheme of work will support staff in feeling secure and confident with their responses. All teaching will be sensitive to the needs and age of the children, considering the different family units and experiences the children are used to. It will be important to consider whether or not some questions may be best answered as a whole class or individually depending on the nature of the questions or the age of the children in the class.
Children are now growing up in an increasingly complex world with an abundance of new challenges. Mental health and well-being play a pivotal role in a child’s ability to function, achieve and grow in and out school. At St Michael’s we recognise this and pride ourselves in promoting a healthy recognition and acceptance of feelings and emotions in our children. This value is promoted by the implementation of a daily ‘check-in’ All children right from FS are given the opportunity to express their current state of mind. In Early years, this is promoted via the pastoral ‘Morning Welcome’ where children express their feelings in a group situation accompanied by song. Further through school a lollipop system is adopted. Children place their personal mood stick in class-based feelings pots. This allows children to feel valued, heard and listened to. All feelings are valid. Teachers are then able to use this to resolve any occurring issues which proactively supports well-being and overall safeguarding.