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Prayer Leaders

Prayer has always been an established and valued part of school Life. Prayer is daily and at regular intervals during the normal course of the school day. We say a wide range of well known and traditional prayers as well as those that spring from the faith of the staff and the children. Teachers are committed to the Christian character, ethos and outlook of the school, but we relish and need the prayerful support of our children too. Our prayer Leaders come from the older members of each of our Key Stages (year 2, 4 and 6).

The role of our Prayer Leaders is to support and encourage prayer across all classes and age ranges.
It is to support the knowledge of and willingness of all to say traditional prayers mindful of their beauty and fully confident that God hears them all.

It is to produce prayers of their own, to share them and to encourage all to see that prayer keeps us mindful of and therefore more deeply connected to God.

It is their role to present new ideas for prayer and spread the idea that we can pray in diverse ways that may, or may not include written or spoken words.

Their role is to support the presentation of the school prayer at the end of celebrations and other assemblies.

Their role is to support the head and other teachers in collective worships, assemblies and at times to lead class and whole school times of prayer.

Their role is to be role models and to help maintain the understanding that prayer is important, connects us to God, fuels and feeds our faith and brings both comfort and joy.

Prayer and prayerfulness thrive in school and these people are ambassadors for the continuation of this fundamental feature of Rossington St Michael’s CE Primary School.