Year 2
Christmas Songs to Practise
In Year 2, the children are expected to be independent and autonomous learners who can think of ways to support their learning. They develop learning skills such as how to be resilient, critical and creative thinkers, reflective learners, problem solvers and team workers.
The curriculum in Key Stage one (infants) covers:
Maths, English, Science, Computing, Design Technology, History, Geography, Art, Music, R.E, P.E. and PSHCE.
RWI Reading Books
At school, your child will read individually with adults in the classroom, and they will bring a RWI book home to read with an adult. Children will change their reading book once a week, as reading their book several times helps the children to become more fluent readers. After reading at home please write a comment in their reading diary, and we will do the same in school.
Reading for Pleasure books
In our classroom, we have a range of books for your child to bring home and read for pleasure. These are new books and nice books that I hope your child will be engaged to read at home. Each time they read this book, your child can colour in one of the pictures on their reading sheet that we will send home.
We have adopted the Martin Harvey scheme for handwriting this year and are confident that we will see the children’s handwriting become even more fantastic through this scheme.
The most important thing at this stage is that your child is forming their letters the correct way round as this will help them when they are ready to join letters together in later years. We do handwriting practise regularly and hopefully this will help them to get a good grasp early on this year.
Daily Essentials
- A labelled water bottle.
- Book bag (not a backpack).
- Reading wallet with diary and reading book.
- A coat (we will be outside in all but the worst weather).
Our PE sessions take place twice a week and can take place indoors and outdoors. Children need to bring their PE kits on a Monday for the week ahead. All children require a PE kit that consists of black shorts or jogging bottoms, white t shirt and suitable footwear for outside. Please make sure that this is clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Home Learning
We encourage your child to read daily at home and ask that you record this in their reading record.
Homework is given on a Friday to be returned to school by the following Wednesday.
Children also have the opportunity to practice their mathematical skills using the Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars programs.