Year 3

Our Author of the Term for Autumn 1 is Michael Foreman – we will be reading his book ‘Seal Surfer’, which is set by the seaside in Cornwall and, as you might guess, is about a seal and surfing, with Foreman’s beautiful illustrations bringing the story to life.

If, at any point, you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me either through Class Dojo or at the classroom door.


Homework will be sent home on Fridays, to be returned by the following Thursday. Where homework is not completed and returned, pupils will attend homework club on Friday lunchtimes.

It is strongly encouraged that children read regularly to an adult at home (at least three times per week) and give a little time to discuss what has been read. Please record your child’s reading in their reading record. This supports children’s reading fluency as well as their vocabulary and understanding of the books they read. Reading really is the foundation of all learning!

Equally, we encourage children to regularly access Reflex Maths at home (preferably three times a week) to support the learning of the times tables. By the end of Year 3, children should be able to accurately and quickly recall the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables, which will support them knowing all the times tables facts to 12 by the end of Year 4. Times table facts are key to supporting numerous areas of the maths curriculum.


Days to remember

Everyday – Your child needs to bring their reading book and reading record in every day. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle too.

Thursdays: Homework to be completed by and handed in.

Thursdays and Fridays: P.E (make sure full kit is in school and earrings to be removed). We often go out in the drizzle and cold so an outdoor kit (dark coloured sweat top and jogging bottoms and suitable trainers) is essential.

We have a very exciting and varied curriculum in Year 3 and below are some of the topics we will be covering over the year, along with French, Music, Art and PE.

In Science we will be learning about…

  • Plants

  • Animals including humans

  • Rocks and Soils

  • Forces and Magnets

  • Light and Shadows

  • In History we will be learning about…

  • The Stone Age

  • The Romans

  • The Railways in Doncaster

  • In Geography we will be learning about…

  • Volcanoes

  • Geography of Italy

  • Using maps, atlases and globes


Year 3 LTP (1) 2022-23