Young Leaders
In 2017, Rossington St Michael’s CE Primary School, launched the ‘Archbishop of York Young Leaders’ Award. This engages our pupils, not just with faith heroes of the past and the present, but also engages them with the idea of community and the wider world and how they can be a part of something much bigger.
In the past, this was open to all KS2 children as it was led by a church Youth Leader. However, beginning the academic year 2021-22, Year 4 pupils will also follow this programme of study on a rolling programme. This will provide our pupils with a much longer period of time to really embed and utilise their skills and also provide opportunities for them to support and guide their fellow pupils following in their path in future years.
Pupils follow a modular programme of study focusing on:
- Leadership – exploring leadership skills and how we can use them to change the world.
- Top Trump Leaders – inspiring leaders & people of faith who have changed the world.
- The Local Community – including an interactive walk and map making exercise.
- The National Community – looking at the Archbishop of York Youth Trust and other charities who bring about change.
- The Global Community – issues of justice and international charities working to bring change.
- Community Action – pupils prepare for and serve in a local community project.
To find out more information visit: