Extra-Curricular Activities
After School Clubs
At Rossington St Michael’s, we offer a great variety of extra-curricular activities, which are mainly run by external professionals. Clubs change on a termly basis in order to offer as much choice as possible.
All clubs are to be booked through the school office and change on a termly basis.
Please contact Miss Robinson in the office for any more information regarding clubs.
Current Clubs:
Dance KS1 and KS2
Forest School
Over their primary school experience, the children will take part a range of school trips to enhance and support their learning in different subjects.
These can include:
Local visits and fieldtrips
Weston Park Museum
Emergency Services Museum
Butterfly Farm
Crucial Crew
A 2 night residential to an adventure centre
Sherwood Forest
Clifton Park Musuem
Kelham Island Museum
Young Voices concert
Gulliver’s Kingdom
School Sleepovers