Parent / Community Events

Being a village school gives us the privilege of having a large and diverse community of learners, staff, parents and the wider Church community. We are lucky to have a supportive network of encouraging parents and dedicated staff, who come together for the benefit of our wonderful children and we are passionate about keeping a 'community feeling' alive.

Each half term, we hold many different events for parents, carers and family members to join in with. Some have an academic focus, to involve adults in with their child's learning and give them a real life insight in to their education. Some events are held in Church and give everyone the opportunity to come together in faith and Christianity. Others are simply based on 'bringing the community together'; fun, informal activities so that children access a broader range of experiences. We also have events that bring adults together with each other - a chance to chat over a cuppa or seek advice from a staff member. We aim to plans our activities on different days and times so that families can access as much as possible. We welcome any suggestions of ideas for future events!

Example Events Include:

  • Harvest Festival

  • Macmillan Coffee Morning

  • Family Quiz and Pizza Night! 

  • SEND Parents' Meeting and Coffee Mornings

  • Parents' Evenings

  • Remembrance Service 

  • Open Morning for Parents

  • Christmas Singalongs and Concerts

  • Nativities

  • Bingo Evening 

  • Mother's Day and Father’s Day Breakfasts 

  • Church Services

  • Sport's Days